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7 pay कमीशन का कमाल , देखे एक उदाहरण

7 pay कमीशन का कमाल और आम आदमी कर्मचारियों को ऐसी नज़र से देख रहा जैसे मोदी जी ने हमारी तनख्वाह ढाई % बड़ा दी हो , जेसे अभी हमे 50000 मिल रहे हे अब सीधे 125000 मिलने लगेंगे
देखे एक उदाहरण
7th pay commission has been announced for Central Govt employees and every one is saying that a BIG BONANZA is being showered on central govt employees. Let us see the BIG BONANZA in real terms:
As per 6th Pay Commission:
Present Basic: 7000
DA (125%): 8750
HRA (10%): 700
Transport Allowance: 1350
Current gross salary as per 6th Pay commission: 17800
PF (10%): 700
CGIS: 50
Prof Tax: 200
Net salary: 16850
Now As per 7th pay commission:
Present basic: 18000
Da (Nil):0000
HRA (8%): 1440
Transport allowance: 1350
Gross salary: 20790
PF (10%): 1800
CGIS : 1500
Prof Tax: 200
Net salary: 17290..
What is the real increase in the Pay commission: 17290-16850= Rs. 440
Wonder why Rs.440 is being called as a Big Bonanza???
Forwarded as received on Whatsapp
7 pay Commission
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